We offer Adult education opportunities through the year: Bible Study, Lenten Study, Book Groups, Film Discussion, “Faith & Fire” discussion around the fire pit.


Here are some resources that may help you along the journey as you deepen your faith.


The Congregational Church of Littleton has always been oriented toward mission outreach and social justice – to serving God in the community, the Country and in the world. In the 1840s, women gathered at the Church to sew for the needy. In the 1960s, the Church sent the “Christmas Carpenters” to Mississippi to help repair firebombed churches, vandalized in the Civil Rights strife of that time. Today, the members of CCOL are all spiritual descendants of those women, giving back to God and the community.

To find out how you can give of your time, talent and treasure for God, please browse through the Ministry Opportunities in this section.

Loaves & Fishes

Our “Garden at Church Meadows” supports the Loaves & Fishes Food pantry with a supply of fresh vegetables and herbs. A volunteer team of gardeners plants, maintains and harvests the garden from Spring through Fall.

Neighborhood Supper

Every Tuesday, our church hosts a community meal in our Fellowship Hall.

Concord Prison Outreach

Provide support to incarcerated individuals.

IINE (International Institute of New England)

CCoL supports this organization to expand resettlement, education, career advancement and pathways to citizenship opportunities for refugees and immigrants.

Transition at Devens

CCoL supports this organization which helps unhoused families get back on their feet

Knitting and Sewing ministries

Our “Knitting for Others” and Ladies Sewing groups produce a wide variety of prayer shawls, quilts, blankets and clothing to those in need.

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